Young Actors Class

When: Coming Soon!
Techer: Angela Katherine Baker

The Young Actors Class will now be taught in an online workshop format. It will consist of 4 cycles with 2 weeks off in between each cycle.

Class Cycles:

  1. Improv 6 weeks

  2. Meisner 8 weeks

  3. Script Analysis 6 weeks

  4. On Camera 6 weeks 

About Angela Katherine Baker:
Angela currently teaches online Meisner Technique and Young Actors classes.

Angela studied the Meisner Technique under Jessica Houde-Morris and continues to take Meisner classes as an advanced student in our in-person classes.

Before Houde school, Angela graduated from BYU with a B.S. in Theatre, English, and Speech Education and a Masters in Theatre Critical Studies with an emphasis in Dramaturgy.